A designer at heart

About Kevin Delahunt

An portrait illustration of Kevin Delahunt smiling.

Most of my experience in design has been solving problems related to systems connected to my role. My favourite experiences have been when I felt I understood a problem and was allowed to define a solution. The solutions I am most proud of are the ones where I was able to participate in implementing the solution. This happened when I was able to reorganize leather jackets, or when I redefined the translation process. Most recently, I've solved more direct problems: "My problem is I don't have a website". I’ve recently built sites in WordPress, HubSpot or using React. I look forward to digging more deeply into problems, user needs and data in order to iterate and design truly impactful solutions. Rather than building websites, I want to verifiably improve user experiences to meet business needs.

I am seen as an earnest and authentic person who loves to provide and receive feedback. I mainly want to connect with my colleagues and participate in creating a great product. I like to invest myself in a problem-space and really explore the root cause of issues. I am known to ask unexpected questions that search for alternative perspectives and to dig deeper. I am an avid learner and love filling knowledge gaps in anything that seems worthwhile. I am a fan of how user experience design can help improve a company’s bottom line: By focusing on long term product improvements, you’re investing in your business’ reputation which has compounding effects over time. I want to build a connection with my clients and my team to make things better.